Empower Your Business: Essential Accounting and Tax Bootcamp for New Entrepreneurs
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Bootcamp Series
We want to help get your foundations right.
When you join as a new client, you will be invited to access our Bootcamp series.
The Bootcamp is a series of short explainer videos educating you on essential accounting and tax concepts.
Going through this Bootcamp will help you manage a successful business.
Take a sneak peak
Episode 1: Understanding a Limited Company
What you will learn;
1. What is a Limited Company
2. Difference between Shareholders & Directors
3. How payments are made to Shareholders & Directors
4. Companies House overview
5. How to find important information about your company
6. Confirmation statement filing
Coming Soon
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*Pricing excludes VAT
"Receiving real time information allows me to understand if my business is making money. I like that JAFA has monthly meet ups to help me understand my finances and advises me how to grow my business"

Mohammad Hussain (Director)
Craycombe Carpets Limited